NEWS // Binocular vision and orthoptics

Binocular Vision and Orthoptics

Binocular vision is essential for perceiving our environment in three dimensions. This ability results from the coordination of the two eyes, located at the front of our face, which merge two images into one coherent image with depth and relief. This complex process is different from monocular vision, which involves only one eye and does not provide depth perception.

When binocular balance is disrupted, it can lead to visual and muscular discomfort. This may be the case, for example, when convergence, the movement of the eyes towards the nose to look at a close object, does not function correctly. Deficient binocular vision can also affect your ability to perceive depth of field and distances.

Symptoms such as blurry vision, diplopia (double vision), eye fatigue, and headaches may indicate a problem with binocular vision. This can come from your corrective lenses, particularly the focusing balance of your eyes, which is no longer suitable, or because the visual demand is too intense compared to your muscular abilities

If you experience symptoms of visual discomfort, it is important to talk to your optician. A check of your vision at the store allows them to assess the quality of your binocular vision and direct you to an orthoptist, a specialist in the rehabilitation of binocular vision disorders. This professional can precisely identify the cause of your visual discomfort and offer you appropriate care.

Your Opticien Platinum guides you towards high-definition vision by directing you to the appropriate vision health professionals.



vision binoculaire convergence
vision binoculaire inconfort visuel
controle visuel orthoptiste
orthoptiste vision lunettes
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