Secondary cataract

Secondary cataract, also known as capsular fibrosis, is characterized by the opacification of the natural capsule surrounding the lens implant. It can develop within five years following cataract surgery.

Over time, a systematic change in the transparency of the crystalline capsule occurs. This is not a complication but rather a normal physiological change associated with the aging of the tissue.

The symptoms of secondary cataract are similar to those of primary cataract and include:

  •  A reduction in visual acuity
  • Increased glare
  • Altered color perception
  • Blurry, opaque, or double vision

Fortunately, the treatment of secondary cataract does not require new surgery. Generally, a painless laser session in an ophthalmology clinic is sufficient to restore vision.

After the treatment, floaters, which are residues of the capsule, may temporarily be visible in the visual field. These tend to disappear in the weeks that follow.

Opticiens Platinum would like to remind you of the importance of regular ophthalmological check-ups. A complete examination can detect possible associated anomalies, such as other pathologies related to ocular aging, for example, AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) or glaucoma.



laser secondary cataract
cataract surgery
eye cataract symptom
secondary catarac vision